How to Create Discounts for QashierEats
Updated over a week ago

Table of Contents:

Type of Discounts:

There are two types of discount:

  1. Automatic

  2. Promo Code

About Automatic Discount Type:

Automatic discount refers to a type of discount that is applied automatically to either the total bill, a specific product, or a category based on the settings you have configured. This type of discount does not require any manual intervention and is automatically calculated and applied during the checkout process.

The image below shows that discount is applied automatically before making payment:

To create an automatic discount, follow the guide below:

To make it easier to understand the steps involved in creating an automatic discount, let's consider some example criteria that we can use for demonstration purposes. These examples will help illustrate the process of setting up an automatic discount more effectively.

  • Criteria 1: 10% discount on food & beverage items only

  • Criteria 2: Applicable to all dine-in, takeaway, pick-up and delivery orders

  • Criteria 3: This discount to be applied on total bill

  • Criteria 4: This discount to be applied throughout the year

  1. Go to QashierHQ

  2. Click on the drop-down icon under Online Ordering Management

  3. Select QashierEats Management

  4. Click on Edit Discount followed by + Create Discount button on the top-right hand corner of the page

  5. Give the discount a name under the Discount Name field (e.g. All Year Discount)

  6. Under the discount type, select 'Automatic'.

    Further explanation and instructions will be provided here

  7. Select Percentage % option under the Discount Amount Type field [Fulfil Criteria 1]

  8. Under the discount amount, enter "10" for 10% discount [Fulfil Criteria 1]

  9. You may give a discount description, otherwise you can leave it empty

  10. Check the boxes for all four options (Dine In, Takeaway, Pick-up, Delivery) for this discount to take effect [Fulfil Criteria 2]

  11. Select TOTAL BILL [Fulfil Criteria 3]

  12. Select + ADD EXCLUDE CATEGORY/PRODUCT to exclude categories that do not belongs to food & beverage category, once done, click on DONE [Fulfil Criteria 1]

  13. Enter a Minimum Order Amount (If there are no minimum order, you can enter the amount as 0)

  14. Since Criteria 4 states that this discount should be applied throughout the year, we will disable the options for "Apply to Specific Days" and "Apply Date Range" under Discount Schedule. This means that the discount will be available and applicable every day without any time restrictions

    (we will explain further here)

  15. Click on CONFIRM to create this discount

After completing the setup of this discount, the settings will appear as shown in the following image:

Here's a step-by-step video guide:

About Promo Code Discount Type:

Promo code discount refers to a type of discount where customers are required to enter a specific promotion code before making a payment on QashierEats. Here's the guide to create Promo Code discount type.

In the image below, you can see that you need to enter the promo code before proceeding with the payment:

To create a promo code discount, follow the guide below:

To make it easier to understand the steps involved in creating a promo code discount, let's consider some example criteria that we can use for demonstration purposes. These examples will help illustrate the process of setting up an automatic discount more effectively.

  • Criteria 1: 50% discount for all items

  • Criteria 2: Applicable to all dine-in, takeaway, pick-up and delivery orders

  • Criteria 3: This discount to be applied on total bill

  • Criteria 4: This discount to be applied throughout the year

  1. Go to QashierHQ

  2. Click on the drop-down icon under Online Ordering Management

  3. Select QashierEats Management

  4. Click on Edit Discount followed by + Create Discount button on the top-right hand corner of the page

  5. Give the discount a name under the Discount Name field (e.g. shopTillYouDrop)

  6. Under Discount Type, select 'Promo Code'

  7. Select Percentage % option under the Discount Amount Type field [Fulfil Criteria 1]

  8. Under the discount amount, enter "50" for 50% discount [Fulfil Criteria 1]

  9. You may give a discount description, otherwise you can leave it empty

  10. Check the boxes for all four options (Dine In, Takeaway, Pick-up, Delivery) for this discount to take effect [Fulfil Criteria 2]

  11. Select TOTAL BILL [Fulfil Criteria 3]

  12. Enter a Minimum Order Amount (If there are no minimum order, you can enter the amount as 0)

  13. Since Criteria 4 states that this discount should be applied throughout the year, we will disable the options for "Apply to Specific Days" and "Apply Date Range" under Discount Schedule. This means that the discount will be available and applicable every day without any time restrictions

    (we will explain further here)

  14. Click on CONFIRM to create this discount

After completing the setup of this discount, the settings will appear as shown in the following image:

After the above steps (1-14) are completed, you can now enter the newly created promo code at the checkout page of QashierEats:

NOTE 1: The name entered under Discount Name will be the promotional code consumer will use to claim a discount

NOTE 2: The promo code is case sensitive

Here's how consumer can enter the promo code:

Here is a side-by-side comparison of the checkout process at QashierEats, with the image on the left showing the checkout screen before applying the promo code, and the image on the right showing the checkout screen after applying the promo code before making the payment.

Discount Schedule:

To activate a discount or promotion code for a specific period of time, you can utilize the Discount Schedule feature. This allows you to schedule the availability of your discount or promotion code based on specific days of the week, a date range, or a combination of both.

The discount schedule you configure for each discount or promo code determines when it will be automatically applied.

By enabling specific days and setting a date range, the discount or promo code will only be active during those specified periods.

However, if you disable both the "Apply to specific days" and "Apply Date Range" options, the discount or promo code will be active at all times without any restrictions based on days or dates

Enable and disable discount:

You have the option to manually enable or disable your discounts.

  1. Go to QashierHQ

  2. Click on the drop-down icon under Online Ordering Management

  3. Select QashierEats Management

  4. Click on the 'Edit Discount' button

  5. Select the discount that you would like to enable or disable

  6. Toggle the ACTIVE button on the top-right hand corner accordingly

  7. Enter a Minimum Order Amount (If there are no minimum order, you can enter the amount as 0)

  8. Click on CONFIRM

The status of the discount will be reflected under the discount list

Here's a step-by-step video guide:

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