How to Track Inventory in QashierHQ
Updated over a week ago

This is the overview of Inventory Management in Qashier HQ

Track stock in QashierHQ

We want to add "Double QashierBurger" into Inventory Management to track its inventory count, here are the steps:

  1. Go to QashierHQ

  2. Click on the drop-down icon under Product Management

  3. Select Product Management

  4. Select the product that you want to track stock, in this case "Double QashierBurger"

  5. Check Track Inventory checkbox

  6. Select CONFIRM

    Here's a step-by-step video guide:

Once you completed the above steps, here are the instructions to check if the inventory has been tracked:

  1. Click on the drop-down icon under Product Management

  2. Select Inventory Management

You will notice that the item "Double QashierBurger" is being tracked in the inventory management, indicated by an orange box as depicted below:

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