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Qashier POS Full Guide
Table Management
How to Void An Item/Table From Table Management in Qashier POS
How to Void An Item/Table From Table Management in Qashier POS
Updated over a week ago

Table of Content:

Voiding an item from a table:

(Removing specific items from a table)

This is only applicable when table is not closed yet. You will not be able to void an item from a table once payment has been made.

  1. Select the table for which you wish to void an item

  2. In the table, tap on the item that you wish to void

  3. Select VOID button

  4. Enter STAFF PIN (to record which staff voided the item)

  5. Enter the reason for voiding the item

  6. Enter quantity to void (e.g. there are 3 coke, only 1 coke to void, void quantity =1)

Here's a step-by-step video guide:

Voiding a table:

(Removing all orders and items from a table, before payment is made)

  1. Select the table to void

  2. Tap on bin icon on the top left-hand corner of the page

  3. Select CONFIRM

  4. Enter STAFF PIN (to record which staff voided the table)

  5. Enter the reason for voiding

  6. Select YES/NO to add your voided items back to inventory

    (this is only applicable if you have the inventory management feature)

  7. Select OK and the table has been successfully voided

Here's a step-by-step video guide:

Finding records of voided item/table:

  1. Tap on 'VOID LIST' button on the top left-hand corner located beside the table icon

  2. You will be able to see a list of voided items and tables that you have voided previously

Here's a step-by-step video guide:

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