How to Edit Custom Discount in Qashier POS
Updated over a week ago

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Edit custom discount on bill level

  1. Tap on the pencil icon within the BILL DISCOUNT above the pay button

  2. Beside the CUSTOM DISCOUNT, tap on the pencil icon

  3. Under the discount, you will be able to amend the discount type, value and notes.

  4. Once the amendments are done, tap on ADD & CLOSE to save changes

Here's a step-by-step video guide:

Edit custom discount on item level

  1. Tap on the product in your cart

  2. Beside the CUSTOM DISCOUNT, tap on the pencil icon

  3. Under the discount, you will be able to amend the discount value

  4. Once the amendments are done, tap on CONFIRM > SAVE to save the changes

Here's a step-by-step video guide:

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