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Navigating to Ingredient Management's Stock Actions
Go to Inventory Management
Click on the Ingredient Icon on the top-right hand corner of the page
Select the ingredient that you want to manage their stock
Under "Stock Action", click on the "▼", it will show a list of available stock actions
Here's a step-by-step video guide:
Explanation of Stock Actions
a. Stock Received
This options allows you to increase the stock count of the ingredient based on the stock you have received
b. Damage / Loss / Theft
This option allows you to decrease the stock count of the ingredient due to damaged, loss, or theft issues
Here's a step-by-step video guide:
c. Restock Return
This options allows you to increase the stock count of the ingredient due to restock or return stock from your customer
Here's a step-by-step video guide:
d. Reset to Number
This options allows you to RESET the stock count of the ingredient
The amount you key in shows the number of stocks available for the ingredient
Here's a step-by-step video guide:
e. Others (+)
This options allows you to increase the stock count of the ingredient due to other reasons otherwise specified
You need to key in the reason(s) of using this option, and the number of stocks to increase
Here's a step-by-step video guide:
f. Others (-)
This option allows you to decrease the stock count of the ingredient due to other reasons otherwise specified
You need to key in the reason(s) of using this option, and the number of stocks to decrease
Here's a step-by-step video guide:
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