Application Process
Step 1: Go to QashierHQ > Payment Management > Apply For Payment Services Now > click on "Retrieve Myinfo business with Singpass".
Step 2: You will be redirected to the Singpass webpage. Please use your Singpass mobile app to scan the QR code to approve the login request.
Step 3: After you have approved the login request, the following screen will appear. Click "I Agree" to allow Qashier to obtain necessary information from your Singpass profile to be auto-populated onto the payment application form:
Step 4: You are required to review the auto populated fields and complete the additional fields, such as "Industry Type", "Transaction Details", "Directors of the company", "Payout information", etc.
Note: The form will require personal information from the Directors or Shareholders of the company.
If the main applicant is a director or an individual shareholder of the company, their information will be auto-populated under the "Directors of the company" or "Shareholders" section.
However, if the main applicant is not a director or an individual shareholder of the company, the merchant can choose to:
use the "Request Singpass consent email" function to send an email to the director/shareholder to request for their personal information, or
manually input the required information.
If the shareholder is a corporate shareholder (i.e. a business entity that owns shares in another entity), the basic information for the corporate shareholder will still be populated; but we will not be asking for personal information from the corporate shareholder.
Please note that for the "Request Singpass consent email" function, it is only applicable to the shareholders or directors who own a Corppass account. Otherwise, it is recommended that the applicant manually fill in the required fields and upload the ID documents.
You can send an email to the directors/shareholders to request for their Singpass information
Select the directors/shareholders and input their email addresses, then select "Send Email"
Tip: The autosave function for the application form has been removed due to the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA).
Applicants will be prompted to "Save as draft" if they:
Attempt to leave the application form page
Click on any other menu to go to other pages
Attempt to close the browser window
Documents uploaded and fields filled in by the applicant will be saved in draft mode when the applicant clicks on "Save as draft". They can resume the application whenever they are ready by repeating step 1 above.
Step 5: Once all of the required fields have been filled, click on "Submit" to submit the application form for approval.
Click "Submit" to submit the application form for approval
Step 6: You will be asked to choose your preferred payment methods to be activated once your payment application has been submitted.
You must choose at least one type of payment method to be activated upon application approval.
You may apply for other payment methods even after your application has been approved.
If you wish to disable the payment method after it has been activated, you are required to reach out to our Customer Support team for further assistance.
Do note that for "Debit/Credit Card In-Store" - you will be required to have a Qashier-issued credit card terminal in order to accept credit card payments in your store.
Select at least one type of payment method to be activated upon your application approval, then click "Save" to submit
Checking Application Status
You can check on your application status at the "Payment Management" page. You can also view or edit details that you have submitted as long as the application has not been approved.
Note: If you would like to update your bank account details for payouts after the application has been approved, you can do so via the "Payout Information" button on the "Payment Management" page. Please refer to this article for more information.
If your application has not been approved, you can still make changes to your application form by clicking on "View/Edit Details", or selecting more payment methods to be activated upon application approval.
Application is pending approval
When the application has been approved and the payment methods that you have applied for have been activated, the check box will turn grey:
Application has been approved, check box turned grey as the payment method has been activated
Viewing Payout Reports
To view the payout reports, you can go to the "Payment Management" page and select "View Payout Report" on the top right hand corner:
Go to Payment Management > View Payout Report
You will be able to view the payout reports by selecting the specific type of payment method (orange box). You can also download your payout report by clicking on "Download Payout Report" (red box).
Note: The "Download Payout Report" will only generate consolidated information about payments processed by Qashier only, such as credit card (via the QashierXS White Terminal), PayNow (Singapore) or DuitNow QR (Malaysia).
Tip: When downloading the payout report, it is recommended that you download on a weekly basis as the system may take awhile to generate the report to be downloaded, especially if you have multiple stores in one QashierHQ account.
You can toggle between the payment methods to view the respective payout reports, or download the payout report.