[SG] How to configure Qashier Soundbox
Updated over a week ago

Soundbox Configuration

To configure the Soundbox for usage, navigate to the settings by clicking on the gear icon located at the top right corner. Then select the "Soundbox Settings" tab.

  1. Merchants have the option to customise the name of their Soundbox according to their preference.

  2. The "Terminal Display Name" refers to the "Display Name" provided during the payment application process. If merchants need to make any changes to the display name, they should contact the Customer Support Team for assistance.

  3. Input the serial number of the Soundbox terminal and click "Save" to complete configuration

Note: The Soundbox Serial number can be found on the device label on the back as shown below:

If the serial number is not entered correctly or is missing, an error message will be displayed on the Soundbox screen as shown below:

Soundbox language

Merchants can choose to have the Soundbox announce the payment confirmation in English or Chinese.


  • In order to use the Chinese payment announcement language, please ensure that the Soundbox app version code must be v1.0.5 and above. To check the version code, press the F2 button on the Soundbox device.

  • The default payment confirmation announcement is in English.

  • The Soundbox can only announce the payment confirmation one language at a time, i.e. either English or Chinese. It cannot announce payment confirmation in both languages at the same time.

To change the Soundbox language, please follow the steps below:

  • Go to QashierHQ and select the Gear icon on the top right corner

  • Select "Soundbox Settings"

  • Under the "Soundbox Language" drop down list, merchants can choose either English or Chinese.

Note: For the Chinese language, the payment confirmation announcement will be announced in the following format - 收款 a 万 b 千 c 百 d 十 点 e 元

For example:

  • $1.00 = 收款一点零零元

  • $22.35 = 收款二十二点三五元

  • $345.67 = 收款三百四十五点六七元

  • $1,234.56 = 收款一千二百三十四点五六元

  • $20,000.50 = 收款二万点五零元

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