Dashboard for multi-stores
Updated over a week ago

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The multi-store dashboard feature provides users with an overview of sales data from their stores and store groups, facilitating easy tracking of sales performance and trend identification.

How to use

The multi-store dashboard is available for users with more than 1 store in their QashierHQ account. The dashboard can be viewed via QashierHQ Portal > Reports > Dashboard.

Users have the option to view the reports from a specific store via "Store Specific Reports", or an overview of all the stores via "Multi Store Reports":

Store Specific Reports

Multi Store Reports

Types of filters

Each chart displayed has its own set of filters. Users can make use of the following filters to display the specific information that they need:

Date filter

Users can select a date range to view the reports. The default range is the past 7 days.

Store filter

Users can select the stores they would like to be displayed on the charts. They also have the option to create store groups that group several stores by unique identifiers e.g. location (North/South/East/West). The default selection is all stores.

View filter

Users can select how they would like to view the reports e.g. daily, weekly, monthly, or hourly. The default selection is daily.

Note: Hourly reports can only be viewed when the selected date range is for a single day e.g. 2023-11-10 ~ 2023-11-10

If the user uses the filters within the chart, the parameters will only be valid for that specific chart; any changes to the overall filters above will overwrite the individual chart filters.

Types of charts

Total Sales Across Stores

The chart shows the total sales of each store across the selected date range, and it is useful for the users to understand sales trends across stores.

Total Transaction Count Across Stores

The chart shows the total number of transactions across each store within the selected date range; this is useful for users to better understand transaction volume across all stores.

Average Transaction Value Across Stores

The chart shows the average transaction value for each store within a selected date range, which is useful for users to understand the average transactional value per customer across all stores.

Sales by Product

The chart shows the total sales by product for each store within a selected date range and is useful for users to understand product sales trends across stores. This feature is only available for users who are on Chain Store Management.

Note: If the user has 30 or fewer products, the Sales by Product chart will automatically display the sales data. However, if they have more than 30 products, the chart will not be automatically populated; the user will have to choose which specific products they want to see on the chart.

This is because when there are more than 30 products selected, the bar charts become crowded and the information is not presented clearly.

For example, in scenario 1: A user has 47 products. As the number of products is more than 30, the bars will not be automatically populated onto the chart; they will appear blank. The user will need to manually select the products that they would like to view on the dashboard by selecting "No product selected".

For another example, in scenario 2: The user would like to view the sales trend of the products in the "Cable" category for November 2023. The user can follow the steps below to view the sales trend of the products in the "Cable" category:

Step 1: Select the date range as "2023-11-01 ~ 2023/11/30", then click "CONFIRM".

Step 2: Click on "No product selected".

Step 3: Search "Cable", or whichever category/categories of the products that the user would like to view.

Step 4: Tick all of the boxes where the products fall into the category of what the user would like to view.

Step 5: Click "Confirm".

The sales information of each product within the "Cable" category for each store will be populated, with each color representing an individual outlet.

Tip: Users have the option to click on any of the bars representing a product in the chart. By doing so, they will be able to view a detailed breakdown of the sales in the form of a pie chart for that specific product in each store, providing a visual representation of the sales distribution across stores.

Average Customer Satisfaction Score Across Stores

The chart shows the average customer satisfaction score for each outlet within a selected date range. It is useful for the user to gauge the level of satisfaction among their customers regarding the service provided by their staff across all stores.

Store Groups

Store groups are a useful feature for users who want to categorize their stores based on common characteristics. For instance, physical retail stores can be grouped as "Physical" and event stores can be grouped as "Event". Another example would be to group the stores by location, such as "North", "South", "East" and "West".

When these groups are selected in the "All Stores" filter, the sales and transactions from the grouped stores will be combined to create a single data point on the chart. This allows the users to easily track and analyze the overall performance of their grouped stores.

Creating Store Groups

Step 1: Select "All Stores", then select "+ Add new store group".

Step 2: Click on "+ Add new store group".

Step 3: Give the group a name e.g. Event.

Step 4: From the "Stores in group" dropdown list, the user needs to select the stores that they would like to be grouped under the Event group.

Step 5: Repeat steps 2 to 4 above to continue adding new store groups (orange box), otherwise select "CONFIRM" when the user is done creating a new store group (red box).

Once the group has been created, the charts will display information regarding the stores in the Event group. Please refer to the images below of how the charts will look like:

Total Sales Across Stores for the stores grouped within the Event group

Total Transaction Count Across Stores for the stores grouped within the Event group

Average Transaction Value Across Stores for the stores grouped within the Event group

Average Customer Satisfaction Score Across Stores for the stores grouped within the Event group

Editing Store Groups

If there is a need to make changes to the store groups that were previously created, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Select "All Stores", then select "+ Add/ Edit new store group".

Step 2: The user can either change the store group's name (red box), add and/or remove stores within the group (orange box).

Step 3: Select "CONFIRM" to save the changes.

Deleting Store Groups

If the store group is no longer valid, follow the steps below to delete the store group(s):

Step 1: Select "All Stores", then select "+ Add/ Edit new store group".

Step 2: Select "DELETE GROUP" to delete the selected store group.

Step 3: Select "CONFIRM" to save the changes.

The store group is now deleted.


Can a store exist in multiple store groups?

Yes. For example, Store A can be in both "Physical" and "North" groups.

Can I select a store group and a store in the store filter at the same time?

Yes. For example, you can select the "North" group and Store A at the same time.

How many store groups can I create?

Currently, there are no limits to how many store groups that you can create.

Why is the "Sales by Product" chart only available for users on Chain Shop Management?

This is because stores that are under Chain Shop Management share the same products, hence the "Sales by Product" chart is made available to such users where they would be able to view how a product is performing across all the stores.

Individual stores do not share the same products, therefore it is not possible to view the sales generated by a product across all stores.

Can I change the color of the line and bar charts?

Unfortunately, this is not available at the moment. The colors were chosen at random, but they will be consistent for each store or store group throughout the whole dashboard.

For example, Store A will appear as a brown line or bar throughout the whole dashboard.

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