Create Product via Excel in QashierHQ

To guide merchant to import their product list into their QashierPOS via QashierHQ

Updated over a week ago

Table of Contents

Key Benefits

  1. Merchants can now easily import all their products into QashierPOS via QashierHQ using a simple excel file provided by Qashier.

  2. Assist merchants in saving time by utilising the import function instead of manually creating individual products.

How to Use

Step 1: To begin, log in to QashierHQ. Then, navigate to the left side menu and choose "Product Management" from the "Product Management" dropdown.

Step 2: Choose the appropriate store and then, on the right side under "Bulk Action", click on the option to "Create Products via Excel".

Step 3: Click on "download" from the pop-up to access the import file template for first-time users. The import template will be automatically downloaded to the designated download folder.

Note: The import template will be provided in CSV format. Users are advised to always download the template from the system to ensure that they have the latest version.

Step 4: Once users have completed filling in the import template according to the provided instructions, they should proceed to step 2 to initiate the pop-up. In the pop-up, they can select the "+" button to attach the import template. Lastly, they can click on "Create" to begin the import process.

Completing the import template

Note: If the user has a chain store, the downloaded import template will include an additional column that allows the merchant to choose whether they want to hide the product from their other stores.

Do not amend anything from Row 1 of template.

Step 1: All required fields will marked with “*” at row 1 of import template.

Step 2: Users are to input all required fields properly, once completed save document and upload.

Caution: When entering the details in the mandatory fields, users should pay attention to the spelling of each field. In the event of a misspelled word, our import function will automatically generate a new product accordingly.

This issue may have a greater impact on users when it pertains to the Tabs field, as the system only permits the creation of up to 8 tabs.

Users have the option to export their current product list, but it should be noted that the exported file format differs from the import template. Therefore, users will need to manually extract the data from the exported file and input it into the import template.

Common Errors

Error Message


No file selected

No file is added

Invalid file format. Please upload a file in either .csv or .xlsx only

File added is not csv or xlsx

Invalid file format. Please download the template above before uploading your new products

File added does not have the correct column headers

Unable to create row X due to the exceeded number of tabs, where X is the row number

No empty tabs are available

X column is empty on row Y, where X is the column header name and Y is the row number

Mandatory field are empty

Invalid format for X found on row Y, where X is the column header name and Y is the row number

Input formatting is wrong

Unable to create row X due to the exceeded number of products, where X is the row number

If user already has 20 products (unarchived) then when then uploads 10 products, only 5 can be created. Assuming the product limit is 25

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