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Qashier HQ Full Guide
Tiered Pricing
How to Create Price Tier in QashierHQ
How to Create Price Tier in QashierHQ
Updated over a week ago

Table of Content:

Creating price tier:

  1. Go to QashierHQ

  2. Click on the drop-down icon under Product Management

  3. Select Product Management

  4. Select the 'Price Tier' button

  5. Click on + CREATE PRICE TIER button

  6. Key in the price tier name (E.g. Happy Hour)

  7. Click CONFIRM once above step is completed

Here's a step-by-step video guide:

Assigning price tier to your products:

Please make sure you've created the price tier before assigning it to your products

  1. Select the tab, followed by the category

  2. Click on the item inside the category that you would like to assign the price tier to

  3. Click on the price tier (0) button to proceed with the assignment of price tier

  4. You should be able to see the price tier that you've created previously, click on the dollar ($) icon beside the newly created price tier

  5. Key in the price of your price tier and select SET to save your changes

  6. Click on CONFIRM to successfully assign the price tier

Here's a step-by-step video guide:

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