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Qashier HQ Full Guide
Product Management
How to Create A New Tab, Category, and Product in QashierHQ
How to Create A New Tab, Category, and Product in QashierHQ
Updated over a week ago

Table of Content:

There are 3 layers of categorisation to create a product

First, you will need to create a tab, followed by the category to be created under the tab and lastly creating products under the category created

The following content will guide you through how to create a tab, category and product

Creating a new tab in QashierHQ:

  1. Go to QashierHQ

  2. Click on the drop-down icon under Product Management

  3. Select Product Management

  4. Click on the pen tool icon beside the word "Tab"

  5. Click on the drop-down icon under Number of Tabs

  6. Select the number of tabs

  7. Name your tab(s)

  8. Click CONFIRM once the above steps are completed

Here's a step-by-step video guide:

Creating a new category in QashierHQ

  1. Click on the drop-down icon under Product Management

  2. Select Product Management

  3. Click on the tab that you want the new category to be created in

  4. Click the "+" button beside the word 'Category' to add a new category

  5. Give your category a name

  6. Click Confirm to create the category

Here's a step-by-step video guide:

Creating a new product in QashierHQ

  1. Click on the drop-down icon under Product Management

  2. Select Product Management

  3. Click on the tab, and then select the category in which you wish to create the new product

  4. Click ADD PRODUCT button

  5. Key in the product name and price [These 2 fields are compulsory to input]

  6. Click Confirm once the above steps are completed

Here's a step-by-step video guide:

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