How to Amend a Modifier Set in QashierHQ
Updated over a week ago

Table of Content:

Introduction to Modifier Set Settings:

In each Modifier Set, there are several options available that enable you to achieve various functions for a modifier add-on. This article will provide a detailed discussion of each settings within a Modifier Set


  1. Set limit for modifiers

  2. Allow to select same modifier more than once

  3. Mark as sold out

Settings 1: Set limit for modifiers

There are 4 scenarios under set limit for modifiers

  1. Modifier set with no limit

  2. Modifier set with minimum quantity limit

  3. Modifier set with maximum quantity limit

  4. Modifier set with both minimum and maximum quantity limit

Modifier set with no limit

When the checkbox for "Set limit for modifiers" is unchecked, it indicates that you can select an unlimited number of modifier add-ons for a specific product when placing an order in the POS system

Here's a video example in POS system - modifier with no limit set:

Modifier Set with Minimum Quantity limit

When a minimum quantity is set for a modifier, it means that you must select at least one modifier in order to proceed with the order in the POS system. Otherwise, you will receive a prompt asking you to fulfill all the modifier conditions, as demonstrated in the video below

Here's a video example in POS system - modifier with minimum limit set:

Modifier Set with Maximum Quantity limit

When a maximum quantity is set for a modifier, it signifies that you have a predefined limit on the number of add-ons you can choose for a product. The system will prevent you from selecting more than the specified maximum amount, as demonstrated in the video below

Here's a video example in POS system - modifier with maximum limit set:

Modifier Set with both Minimum and Maximum Quantity limit

When both a minimum and maximum quantity are set for a modifier, it indicates that you must select at least one modifier and cannot exceed the maximum quantity of modifier add-ons in order to add the order to the order list in the POS system, as illustrated in the picture below

Let's consider an example where you are selling a 3-flavor ice cream, allowing customers to choose up to a maximum of 3 flavors. In this scenario, you may want to set the minimum and maximum quantity limits to 1 and 3, respectively. This ensures that customers must select at least 1 flavor but no more than 3 flavors of ice cream.

Now, what if a customer wants to choose the same flavor more than once? To allow the selection of the same modifier multiple times, you can refer to the next topic on how to

Settings 2: Allow to select same modifier more than once

To select the same modifier multiple times, follow these steps:

  1. Check the checkbox for "Allow to select same modifier more than once"

  2. Begin by selecting the modifier in your POS

  3. To input the desired quantity, press and hold on the same modifier.

  4. Enter the desired amount of quantity

This functionality allows you to choose the same modifier multiple times, as demonstrated in the picture below

Based on the example picture above, you can see that Vanilla, Mint and Pistachio flavour has 2, 100 and 5 quantity of the each respective modifier.

Settings 3: Mark as sold out

When you check the "Mark as sold out" box and click confirm, you will see a small notice on your modifier set name indicating that the modifier is 'sold out indefinitely'

The modifier set will be hidden from your POS system as well

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