Note: Auto-acceptance of Foodpanda orders is available. When an order is received, it will take around 3-5 seconds for the order to be auto-accepted.
To enable auto-acceptance of Foodpanda orders, go to QashierHQ > Settings > FoodPanda > tick "Auto Order Acceptance".
Here are some instructions on the things that you can do with the Grabfood & Foodpanda integration.
Making changes to your menu
Go to QashierHQ →Online Ordering Management → Select the relevant store and select Grabfood or Foodpanda under the platform selector
Proceed to make changes to your menu: Eg creating a new product, assigning a new modifier to a product etc
In 5 to 10 minutes, your menu changes should be synced over to your grabfood or foodpanda store
Editing of products and availability status on POS
The following can be done for products and modifiers on POS:
Change availability
Change name
Click on the top right hand corner, followed by ‘Edit POS’ button
Click on ‘Edit Grabfood Item’ button
You will then see your product categories and modifier buttons
Click on the relevant products or modifiers to make the necessary edits
Products and modifiers that are marked as sold out will be indicated
Video Example
Transaction Listener on POS Example
Transaction Listener - This is where you will be able to view and manage all Grabfood orders
Orders will appear with the tag' GF-xxxx'
By clicking on the order, a pop up will appear which will display more information.
Receipt Example
Order Chit Example
Sticker Printer
KDS Example
Transaction Records
Example of a GrabFood transaction on POS
Example of a GrabFood transaction on HQ
Example of the GrabFood report on POS. You can click on the filter button to select the GrabFood report to view it.
Example of the GrabFood report on QashierHQ. You can click on the Report Scope selector to select Grabfood in order to view the report.